Our Mission
- To enable, through innovative interdisciplinary research and educational programs, the development of Micro- and Nanotechnology-based systems for biomedical engineering, health care technology, and environmental protection.
- To provide solutions which, through translation of research into practice and technology transfer, contribute to social well being and economic growth.
- To be a world-class resource for the realization of Micro- and Nanotechnology-based miniaturized systems that contribute to the economic growth and social advancement of international and nation and benefit humanity as a whole.
We offer strategic business development consulting, research and training, technological service for Biotechnological Industries as well as Academic Institutions globally for the applications of innovative materials-based technology in Translational Medical Research.
Matrix HT, Inc.’s mission is to design, develop and marketing high quality of medical devices that meet customer needs and global regulatory requirements. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life through the commercialization of novel nano- and bio-materials for developing new biosensors for the early-stage detection of cancers/viral infections, and polymeric nanoparticles for emerging medical technologies of RNA-based therapeutics for advancing mRNA vaccines and RNA drugs.

Why US ...?

Analyzing the smallest details
because you deserve
the best products
Dr. Hossein Hosseinkhani
Shareholder & Owner