Biomaterials Technology for developing microfabricated

Research & Development


Building micro/nano interfaces to cells and organisms and exploring bio-derived fabrication methods based on biomaterials technology for developing microfabricated interfaces for synthetic biology.


We aim to create an environment where chemists and biologists can communicate with one another on theory, methodology, design of experiments and the end results so that fruitful collaborations and training in chemical biology can be established.

Key Scientific Areas

Matrix’s research activity is at the interface of biomaterials, biology, micro/nanofabrication, and basic/clinical medicine. Our research interests are closely related to the needs of the society. To address pressing needs in healthcare, environment, and security, we carry out cutting edge research in the following areas:

Design of Next Generation of Diagnostic Tools

Research and development on drug discovery, regenerative medicine, biotech and pharmaceutical industries are very costly and takes several years to bring a single drug/product to the market. The goal of our research is to merge biomaterials science, nanotechnology, and biological principles to generate 3D in vitro living system or “Organ on Chip” to mimic organ/tissues in order to partially reduce the amount of in vitro and in vivo animal testing, clinical trials, and to solve the above problems.
We apply bottom of approach of nanotechnology through self-assembling molecules to engineer novel smart biomaterials that are similar to native tissue/organ mimicking extracellular matrix (ECM) to influence cell/tissue development. Top down approach of semiconductor industry developed in Taiwan is applied to fabricate specific diagnostic tools. These products will have to mimic the physical, chemical, and biological properties of natural tissues and organs at different scales, from molecules to cells to be sued as novel in vitro systems.

Early Stage Cancer Detection
We propose to fabricate novel biomaterials that are useful for in vitro diagnostics and drug screening applications at early stage cancer formation. Furthermore, our technology significantly contribute in developing microscale biosensors that will be more portable and scalable for point-of-care sample analysis and real time diagnosis.
Modern biosensors based on micro- and nanoscale techniques have the potential to greatly enhance methods of detecting foreign and potentially dangerous toxins and may result in cheaper, faster, and easier-to-use analytical tools. We are working at cutting edge technology through the use of micro- and nano-engineering approaches, precise in vitro systems with applications in cell-based detectors in detection of specific cancer antigens as well as in drug screening.

Personalized Medicine
There is enormous need in the market for new tools for the detection of DNA, proteins, bacteria, and viruses which can provide a fast and reliable response, allowing at the same time in-situ analysis. A biosensor is the ideal tool which can fulfil all the above mentioned requirements. In the development of the latter a key issue is represented by the choice of both the sensing platform and the detection technique.
We aim to engineer novel in vitro biomaterials technology to develop set of tools that are simple, inexpensive, portable and robust that could be commercialized and used in various fields of biomedical sciences such as drug discovery, diagnostic tools, agriculture, and therapeutic approaches in medicine.

Novel Biosensors
We are working on designing of cell-based biochip for Integration of High-throughput Screening Technologies (HTS) applications in smarter, faster, and more precise diagnostic devices. We are actively working on designing of biosensors that provide unique ways to investigate and monitor the health of a living body. From determining the presence, or concentration, of chemicals or compounds or living microbes and molecules, to signaling when a cellular event takes place, biosensors can provide researchers and medical personnel with critical information.
Research in Matrix is pushing toward new boundaries of detection and response. Biomolecules analysis is a topic of high importance for many applications in various fields such as medicine, security, forensic science or environmental protection.

High-throughput Screening Technology
Three dimensional (3D) tissue engineering is an emerging multidisciplinary filed involving biology, medicine, and engineering that is likely to revolutionize the ways and improves the health and quality of life for millions of people worldwide by restoring, maintaining, or enhancing tissue and organ function. In addition to having a therapeutic application, where the tissue is either grown in a patient or outside the patient and transplanted, tissue engineering can have diagnostic applications where the tissue is made in vitro and used for testing drug metabolism and uptake, toxicity, and pathogenicity. The foundation of tissue engineering/regenerative medicine for either therapeutic or diagnostic applications is the ability to exploit living cells in a variety of ways. 


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